The Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics

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Submit Your Programming Topics and Ideas for 2020!

The Council on Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (C-FARE) is oriented toward building a stronger national presence for the agricultural and applied economics profession. We are a volunteer-driven, nonprofit association. We live out our mission through programming that informally engages national-level policymakers, congressional staff, stakeholders and leadership in the administration. 

By creating and coordinating webinars and other programming, C-FARE lays out new research efforts and consensus expertise. We need your help! We are currently seeking proposal ideas for 2020. 

In 2019, C-FARE offered webinars presenting new research and survey data on these topics:

We wish to continue to create and coordinate similar webinars and briefings extending these matters or exploring new topics:

  • Environmentally sustainable farm practices and market tactics;

  • Supply and transportation logistics;

  • Big data, blockchain and other systems efficiencies;

  • Emerging animal and plant science;

  • Agriculture and the energy sector;

  • Food distribution, shortages and inequities; and,

  • Your novel suggestions!

As always, we welcome your interest and encourage you to join our activities. Contact

In presenting these programs to key decision makers, C-FARE often partners with the USDA's Economic Research Service, the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), non-government organizations and other entities. NOTE: C-FARE speakers do not comment on pending legislation moving through the legislative process. Our activities are for educational and research outreach purposes only.