Description of C-FARE Events: (1997 - 1994)


36. C-FARE & AAAS Develop Fellowship (1997)

C-FARE is working with the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) to develop an agricultural economics congressional science fellowship program. The program would provide the opportunity for accomplished and socially aware scientists to participate in and contribute to the public Policy making processes within the U.S. Congress. The American Agricultural Economics Association Foundation awarded C-FARE $10,000 towards this effort.

37. Ag Research Assessment Symposium (1995)

C-FARE cosponsored the Symposium on Agricultural Research Assessment held August 29, 1995. Funding for the symposium was received from the Office of the Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics, USDA. The focus of the symposium was on understanding the key issues in conducting and using research assessments to enhance the overall contributions of the agricultural research system. Speakers included researchers, high-level Policy makers, and industry representatives. A document summarizing the main points made by each speaker and in the discussion sessions is available from C-FARE's Washington, DC office and has been distributed to all agricultural economics department heads.

38. Econ Components of Food Safety Issues (1994)

Provided input to the Chair of the House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee on the general importance of agricultural economics research in the National Research Initiative.