Description of C-FARE Events: (2010 - 2008)
16. Brief To House of Representatives (2010)
C-FARE worked with National CFAR to hold two briefings in the House of Representatives focusing on timely topics. In May, we sponsored Brian Buhr (University of Minnesota) for a briefing entitled, “The Changing Structure of Agriculture: Implications from Traceability Research” and in June, we sponsored Rob King (University of Minnesota) for a briefing entitled, “Local Foods across the Country and Close to Home: The Economics of Local Food Supply Chains.” The timing for the June event coincided with the release of an ERS report, and the Summer Choices theme on Local Foods.
17. Input to USDA on Roadmap (2009)
C-FARE offered comments to USDA for the Roadmap and the establishment of the Research, Extension and Education Office (REEO). The 2008 Farm Bill established the REEO to identify, address, and prioritize the needs within the Research, Education and Economics structure. NASS Prices Review 4 C-FARE conducted an independent and comprehensive review the NASS Agricultural Prices publications, including procedures, methods and outputs.
The publications contain prices received by farmers for principal crops, livestock and livestock products, indexes of prices received by farmers, feed price ratios, indexes of prices paid by farmers, and parity prices. In July 2009 the review document was finalized and posted for the public in August. The Panel’s recommendations will be used in the design of future price publications. The purpose of the review was to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the price statistics and to make recommendations to improve their usefulness, quality and transparency. We are grateful for the panel members and Review Director, John Lee, who committed their time and knowledge to this project.
18. Friend of C-FARE and Ag Econ Profession Reception (2009)
On September 23, C-FARE sponsored The Friends of C-FARE and Agricultural Economics Reception. The reception is held every other year in conjunction with the bi-annual meeting of the National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators (NAAEA). During the event, C-FARE shows appreciation to the economists who provide information and guidance to the policy process.
C-FARE recognized two Members of Congress for their appreciation of the application of economics to policy issues involving agriculture, natural resources, food and nutrition topics. This year, C-FARE opened nominations to departments of agricultural and applied economics, and the C-FARE Board voted on the nominations. Our “2009 Friends of CFARE and Agricultural Economics” recipients were Congressman Chet Edwards (TX-17) nominated by Texas A&M, and Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-3) nominated by Oklahoma State University. Present at the reception was an audience of 75, including academic administrators, agency economists, Capitol Hill staff, and other colleagues from our profession. We appreciate the hospitality of the US House of Representatives Committee on Agriculture for allowing us to hold the event in their hearing room.
Providing testimony allows the profession’s priorities in federal funding to be heard. CFARE prepared testimony jointly with the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) for the House and Senate Appropriations Chairs regarding key research programs for the FY 2009 Agriculture Appropriations bill.
19. Appropriations Committee Testimony (2008)
20. Environmental Choices: Outlook and Investigation on Climate Change as It Relates to Agriculture and Natural Resources (2008)
On April 1 and May 20 C-FARE and AAEA sponsored symposiums addressing the impacts of climate change on agriculture entitled, “Environmental Choices: Outlook and Investigation on Climate Change as It Relates to Agriculture and Natural Resources.” - More than 200 policymakers, stakeholders, and others attended at combined events.